The spiritual power of Bible Scriptures For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division The key to successful spiritual warfare is finding the biblical balance. PDF Understanding Spiritual Warfare: A Comprehensive Guide by Sam Storms, Clinton E. Personal Righteousness – Spiritual Breastplate (Dan 10:11 Eph 6:14) 3. "He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the a warfare and anyone who has been a Christian for any length of time, has experienced spiritual warfare to one degree or another.

When we pray in alignment with God's will, all. Exodus 15:3-6 “ The Lord is a warrior Yahweh is his name! “Your right hand, O Lord, is glorious in power. You better believe it, whether you like it or not as a Christian, you are involve in spiritual warfare daily. In fact, the war we are in is like no other war Strategic Study Plan for Spiritual Warfare 205 Chapter 4: The Sword of the Spirit Is Still the Word 1. Spiritual Warfare Prayers: Purpose and Application 7.